Hello dear rose friends as we spare a quiet moment in memory of what devastation occurred during the Black Saturday Bushfires in Victoria ten years ago today!
We hope all our customers are safe as we swelter and the rain continues to fall in Queensland – please know that your garden will recover from all these harsh weather events – our garden now is testament to that, as it was ravaged by fire 10 years ago and is a beautiful space filled with glorious trees and rose gardens for us to enjoy today!

Our garden immediately after the fires.

And the garden today!



Yes, time flies and you need to get onto this quickly if you want a glorious, living, flowering, fragrant rose of your loved-ones choice posted in time for gifting … perhaps you need to choose?  If so, let us make it easy for you …

You SELECT THE COLOUR and let us select the most beautiful rose in that colour range to be posted along with your romantic message – all VALENTINE’S DAY ROSES will be posted TOMORROW or MONDAY so please do get online NOW and order a GIFT ROSE!

All you have to do is print your message which Diana will hand-write into a beautiful card and then in the COMMENTS section of the order, tell us which COLOUR rose you would like us to send.

There are so many beautiful roses in the nursery NOW … make your gift-giving this Valentine’s Day very simple by letting us select the most beautiful rose in the nursery on the day you present your order!

Q. Why did the song do well in school?  A. Because it took a lot of notes!



MR. LINCOLN continues to be the MOST POPULAR Hybrid Tea Rose and is the most commonly requested dark red rose because it has a HUGE fragrance, is tall and tough in all conditions throughout Australia.

LOVING MEMORY produces a continual display of perfectly formed medium-dark red blooms on a very sturdy and healthy bush.

This magnificent rose is highly recommended for gifting to the ‘least garden friendly’ person when you want to offer a lasting LOVING MEMORY in the event of a death – it is such a resilient and hardy rose!

CAMP DAVID … Hybrid Tea dark red rose and one of the most stunning!  This rose is one of the most abundant Hybrid Teas, producing the darkest red, red roses – no purple in this beauty as I refer to it as ‘brown red’ … it stays dark red all the way through to petal drop and it has the most glorious fragrance.

and lots of others of different colours ..

Have a happy week in your garden and take care …
Graham, Diana, Mooi and the team at Silkies Rose Farm, Clonbinane


Q. How do you fix a pizza? A. With tomato paste!


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