LION’S ROSE – Modern Shrub/Floribunda rose of immense beauty, resistance to disease and ability to grow and flower in any sunny location


Raised by Kordes, Germany in 2006 with flowers creamy-white, tinged apricot-pink deep in the swirled central petals, the blooms open to 15cms wide and reveal their dark stamens when opened.

Lion’s Rose has only a slight fragrance and is a wonderful specimen rose for a vase as one stem will carry up to five blooms and slowly open from creamy apricot to pure cream over the week in a vase.

The foliage is dark green and shiny which is an indicator of the magnificent health of this rose which is also suitable to grow as a rose hedge-row or border. This no-fuss rose will produce an abundance of blooms continually throughout the season.

  • Stunning large clusters of creamy blooms
  • Continual flowering throughout the season
  • Extremely healthy glossy foliage
  • Ideal to grow as a medium height rose hedge


The generally sunny, dry and hot conditions of the Australian garden are particularly well suited to planting roses and roses flourish in our gardens when you take measures to provide the following:

WATER – Roses are very deep rooted plants and require one good, deep soaking at least every 10 days in hot and dry conditions.

FEED – Because roses flower throughout all but the Winter season, they should be regularly fertilized with quality (preferably organic) fertilizer which contains a balance of major nutrients (NPK) and trace elements. The fertilizer should be applied at least once a month – small amount often – with fortnightly applications of liquid seaweed over the foliage.

PRUNE – During Winter, 70% of the rose plant should be pruned and all old wood removed back to the crown and the bush pruned to shape.
During the flowering seasons, 25% of all flowering stems should be cut back after flowering to encourage strong re-growth.

MULCH – Particular attention to application of lucerne or pea straw directly around the root-zone of each rose will enhance the overall health of the rose and then the whole bed should be mulched to 75mm with any other mulch medium available.

4 Replies to “LION’S ROSE – Modern Shrub/Floribunda rose of immense beauty, resistance to disease and ability to grow and flower in any sunny location”

    1. If you cannot find it in England, it will be available from Kordes Roses in Germany since the rose was bred by them. Good luck in your search for this magnificent shrub rose!

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